Crafting Artistic Images with your iPhone
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Instructor: Rachael Sokolowski 
Saturday, November 9
10am - 4pm
1 session, at the Main Campus

 The iPhone contains a camera that is a fantastic tool for the artist to ‘make’ images rather than just ‘take’ them. In this one-day workshop, we will explore the native iPhone camera and all it has to offer. We will create interesting close-up shots, create wide and long panoramas, use different techniques for slow shutter images and explore low light photography. We will put your newly found tools to work in the field and capture images. Be prepared to be outdoors and walk on a beach.

We will take a short break for lunch and you might want to bring your own since options are limited in the off-season in Truro. After our photo shoot, we will explore various editing capabilities including adding filters, adjusting light and colors, and using the different drawing and text tools. The native camera and editor are already on your phone. Nothing to download there!

We will be using two other apps. You will need to buy Slow Shutter Cam by Cognitap from the App Store. It is a $3.99 one-time purchase.

For editing we will explore Snapseed, a powerful editor from Google. It is free.

 Be aware that some of the features we will discuss are only available on later iPhone models. The iPhone 13 Pro and later models are recommended but not necessary.

Rachael Sokolowski was an early adopter of the iPhone as her camera of choice. She works with  photography, video and mixed media, often adding text and different filters from various iPhone apps. She prints to a variety of different media, often adding to the images with ink, pastel and water-based oils. Her images have been shown at juried and group shows at different locations on the Cape Cod and has won awards in the Julia Margaret Cameron Awards, the Creative Arts Center in Chatham and first place in the 2020 National Association of Digital Artists Resilience Competition. Rachael lives year-round in North Truro, Massachusetts.