The Personal Essay — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill

Instructor: Anne Bernays
Monday - Tuesday
August 18 - 19
10am - 12pm
2 sessions

A short prose form that combines the precision of a watchmaker with the emotional punch of a declaration of love. Eight hundred to 900 words in length, it takes the reader through an event or incident that changed or enlightened the writer in some way. We’ll spend two days examining the form and working on one essay, editing and revising between classes. This is a difficult but intensely satisfying form to bring off, an exercise in deep thinking and clear writing.

Anne Bernays’ tenth novel is The Man on the Third Floor. She is co-author of What If? Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers and, with Justin Kaplan, Back Then, a memoir. She has published scores of essays, book reviews, and travel pieces. She is the Fiction Editor of the new on-line magazine, Pangyrus.   

The Personal Essay
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