Observational Drawing: Seeing Reality — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill

Instructor: Adam Graham
Monday - Thursday
June 30 - July 3
9am - 1pm
4 sessions

An exploration with mixed media; pencil, charcoal, acrylic, and finishing with oil paint

My art is an expression of awareness, of not just the self, but also, the experience of being in itself. It is a dialectic, a phenomenology, an ontology, and a metaphysic

Why draw? Drawing serves two primary purposes: sketching to study, learn, and understand; and to make an honest expression and decisive statement of observation. When one draws from a subject, one is also drawn into that subject. Sustained focus from drawing evokes a state of mind that tunes out distractions and allows for the immersion into a heightened, nonverbal, intuitive awareness of phenomena. It directly accesses the gut-brain-axis, bypassing the trap of words, freeing the observational mind.

This is a mixed media workshop using a variety of tools to build layers of observations of reality into statements expressing unique states of mind. A discovery of objective reality in relation to the subjective experience of it — of phenomena and the self.

We’ll begin with pencil and charcoal, moving to acrylic, and finishing in oils, developing  observations into building one finished drawing. 

Adam Matthew Graham is a self taught artist who has lived and worked in Provincetown year round since 1999. He was born in Atlanta, GA in 1974, and raised in the Jackson Square artists colony of New Orleans, LA. He has previously taught at PAAM, shown in galleries in New Orleans and Provincetown, and his work is in private collections around the world.

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