KIDS: Painting a Pet Portrait — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill
Painting a Pet Portrait

Instructor: Chris Kelley
Monday - Wednesday
July 21 - 23
2pm - 4pm
3 sessions

Chris Kelley honed her culinary skills studying and teaching at Connecticut Culinary Institute. She studied Art and Ceramics at University of Hartford Art school. She combines her culinary talents with her artistic flair creating delicious desserts and treats for her business Sweet Baking located in Wellfleet Cape Cod. She splits her time baking with her love of painting, ceramics and expressing herself through the arts. You can find her art at Drift in Wellfleet MA and by appointment at her home studio. Desserts at Hot Chocolate Sparrow, and many local Cape Cod restaurants.

@kelleygirlwellfleet @sweetbakingcapecod
