Busting Boredom — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill

Instructor: Maureen Mills
Monday - Friday
June 23 - 27
9am - 1pm
5 sessions

Open studio: Mon - Thurs, 1pm - 4pm

Feeling stuck? Do you need to improve your skill but just can’t seem to move ahead? Do you want to refresh some designs you’ve relied on? Developing strategies for how and why we make objects will contribute to your making more personal work. We’ll explore options on and off the wheel to develop forms and surfaces as a pathway to finetuning what makes your work unique. We’ll practice seeing with a critical eye through the lens of the Design Elements and Principles, as a way to expand your voice and transform your work.

Maureen Mills is a potter and teacher, living and working in Portsmouth NH with her potter husband Steven Zoldak and their dog FSBO. Firing wood and gas kilns her work centers on story telling through form and surface. An unquenchable thirst for design led Lark Books to invite her to write a book Surface Design for Ceramics and she has travelled nationally and internationally teaching workshops based off that book. She is currently Adjunct Faculty at the University of New Hampshire in Durham.

Busting Boredom

includes 1 bag of clay

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from $50.00

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