Finding the Heart — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill
Finding the Heart

Instructor: Gloria Monaghan
February 25 - March 25
5pm - 6:30pm on ZOOM
5 sessions

Why do we wait for inspiration? Or the perfect line? In this 5-week online late winter workshop we will work on new poems using in class prompts and exercises. Each week we workshop poems and provide feedback. Students will generate new poems and revisit old ones. This workshop focuses on the small terror of the seemingly insignificant line and helps us walk towards the heart of the poem to uncover the center which is sometimes as quiet as a church mouse. 

Gloria Monaghan is a Professor of Humanities at Wentworth Institute in Boston. She has published two chapbooks and three books of poetry. Her chapbooks include Flawed and Torero (Nixes Mate). Her books of poetry are The Garden (Flutter Press), False Spring (Adelaide), and Hydrangea (Kelsay Books). Her poems have appeared in Alexandria Quarterly, 2River, Adelaide, Aurorean, Chiron, Nixes-Mate, First Literary Review East, among others. Her poem, “Into Grace” was nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Her book False Spring was nominated for the Griffin Prize.
