Noticing — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill
Noticing - Sketches & Writing

Instructor: Kai Potter
Monday - Wednesday
June 16 - 18
9am - 12pm
3 sessions

Three days. Three walks. Three unique Outer Cape environments.  Cultivating a practice of noticing through creating a “Noticing Journal.” Noticing is all about slowing down, being receptive, looking closer, following curiosity, and finding connection to our surroundings and ourselves. Developing a practice of noticing makes our world a richer place by reminding us that there is always something extraordinary in the ordinary. It also nurtures rich grounds for inspiration.  We will meet in three special Outer Cape locations and learn about our surround’s natural history, ecological significance, and plant and animal life. We will walk, share readings by local nature writers, ask questions, and follow wherever our curiosity pulls us. In our journals, we will take notes, draw, sketch, and write about the things we see and feel in these places. We will be gathering in our journals the raw material of amazement. The journal can serve as a well of ideas and inspiration for artists and writers for future creative projects, or be a stand alone creation of its own. 

This class is for anyone who’s curious, wants to connect deeply with their surroundings, and cultivate a practice of noticing. 

Kai Potter is a lifelong native of the Outer Cape. He is a surfer, artist, writer, naturalist, garden designer, bonsai grower, and author of “Noticing. The quiet season on Outer Cape Cod”

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from $50.00

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