Social Media for Artists — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill

Instructor: Jon Puzzuoli
Monday - Friday
September 8 - 12
9am - 1pm
5 sessions

Learn how to promote and sell your artwork on social media! Open to artists of all kinds. Using Instagram as an example, this workshop will help you understand how best to build your online presence. Through fun, interactive group and individual activities, you will learn how to “hack” the mysterious algorithm. We will discuss ways to engage with your audience, create content strategies, analyze data, and ultimately achieve your marketing goals.

What you’ll need to bring: Smart phone of your choice, Changing cord/ batteries, Phone tripod (optional), a current small art project you're currently working on.

Jon Puzzuoli is a full time ceramicist of 20 years.  By day his life is absorbed in clay, both creating and teaching and by night he’s a social media infulencer.  Jon’s passion emanates from educating others in the art of pottery.  Jon is Head of the Ceramics Department at Silvermine School of Art in New Canaan and Co-Chair of it’s almost 300 Guild Artists. Developing unique glazes and growing crystals on the surface of his wares are a particular focus. 

Social Media for Artists
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from $50.00

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