Hunting, Gathering, and Collecting: Expanding and Strengthening Your Creative Vision — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill

Instructor: Patti Russotti
Monday - Tuesday
June 2 - 3
10am - 4pm
2 sessions

·      Process Over Product ©

This approach is deeply connected to a daily practice and the expansion of your thought processes. It caters to individuals from all genres and disciplines who are eager to explore techniques that will enhance their studio practice. We will explore a variety of options and unveil a new realm of possibilities for merging the analog and digital worlds.

Mindset Reset: Let’s clear preconceived notions you may have gathered from “experts” through exercises scattered throughout the workshop

How can you achieve this?

  • Use your primary camera—your smartphone—

    • to document your thoughts and processes, fostering daily habits

    • generating new works or elements of a larger project.

  • Utilize a scanner to reproduce and craft components of your images.

  • Consider how to utilize digital pieces and components. How can you integrate them back into your artistic practice?

  • By using your mobile camera to document your thoughts and processes, build a daily practice, and create new works or components of a larger piece.

  • By utilizing a scanner to reproduce and generate sections of images.

  • By exploring how to integrate digital elements back into your work—what to do with those digital components?

Together, we will explore all these options, let go,  play, and open up new worlds of possibilities.

Artist, Explorer, Maker and Educator, Patricia Russotti’s current work is focused on entropy, negentropy, nature, and the small things she stumbles upon within the existing world. Russotti is passionate about the examinations of nature, and the alchemical magic that occurs within natural phenomena and the creative process. Patti’s work has been consistently showcased through solo, group, and juried exhibitions as well as being held in international private and corporate collections. Her practice reflects a breadth and depth of experience and skill in image-making (including analog, digital, alternative, and historic processes), workflow, as well as digital output to a variety of substrates, such as fabric and washi. Russotti has been training and presenting on Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom since the first versions of the applications and employs these tools in the creation of her work Currently, she is creating and offering workshops online and in person to provide emerging and established artists with acquiring digital tools to expand their art practice. Russotti believes in creating a continuum of working digital to analog to digital to analog ... and the creative impact that has on one’s practice.

Her evolving methodology is continually featured at national and international imaging and education conferences and has been a regular presenter since the 1980s.

She is the co-author of Digital Photography Best Practices and Workflow Handbook, A Guide to Staying Ahead of the Workflow Curve © 2010, published by Elsevier Inc, Focal Press.

Patti holds M.S. and Ed.S. Degrees from Indiana University, and spent four decades as a Professor at Rochester Institute of Technology – most recently in the School of Photographic Arts and Sciences.
