Plein Air: Having Fun with Watercolor! — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill

Instructor: Debbie Snow
Monday - Friday
July 21 - 25
9am - 12pm
5 sessions

This is a watercolor class for finding colors you’ve never seen, capturing breathtaking moments in nature and your surroundings and holding on to your sanity in a world that demands every second of your time. This class will be mostly plein air with some studio time. We will find the fun in making mistakes and learning from them. We will discover the process of “building” a painting, and we will discuss how to improve your watercolors even when you’re not watercoloring. We will cover colors, in all their infinite variety and how to get the exact color you want. We will discuss a watercolor “go bag” and we will not be stressed. There will be funny stories and laughter. This class is for beginners who’ve played around a little and intermediate watercolor painters.

Debbie is primarily self-taught with many supportive and instructive artist friends and family along the way. She took a week-long workshop each summer for 5 years with master artists including; Alvaro Castagnet, Don Andrews, Tony Van Hasseldt and Tom Schaller. She learned accidentally as a teenager from her mother when she went back to school for an art degree, and by the seat of her pants when she bought a screen printing business without knowing anything about it. She learned graphic arts on a deadline over 30 years of owning the business and from the artists who occasionally worked for her. She learned by asking questions and then finding the answers. Most of all, she learned from her disabled son who has no fear and confident brush strokes.

Plein Air: Having Fun with Watercolor
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from $50.00

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