Exploring Native Materials — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill

Instructor: Nathan Willever
Monday - Friday
July 21 - 25
9am - 1pm
5 sessions

Open studio: Mon - Thurs, 1pm - 4pm

In this workshop we will focus on using locally sourced native materials in our pots. We will work on the wheel to make better pitchers, boxes, oil pourers and teapots. We will expose the character of the clay by carving and combing the surface of our pots.  Students are encouraged to bring samples of rocks, shales and clays that are local to them. We will process these materials and make simple glaze blends that can be fired in a kiln. Please note we will not be sourcing materials from the Cape Cod National Seashore to protect the fragile habitat. 

Nathan Willever is a studio potter working in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He holds a BFA in Ceramics from Maine College of Art. His functional pottery has been featured in numerous exhibitions at Schaller Gallery, The Clay Studio, Akar Design and Signature Gallery. He has taught workshops at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts Ox-Bow School of Art, Touchstone Center for Craft, Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill. He was a resident artist at The Clay Studio(PA), Archie Bray Foundation (MT) and Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park (Japan).

Exploring Native Materials

includes 1 bag of clay

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from $50.00

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