Printmakers Exhibition: Sarah Riley + Julia Talcott + Amy Waltch — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill

September 26 - October 6, 2017

Opening Reception
Thursday, September 28
4pm - 6pm

Sarah Riley is a painter and printmaker based in Wellfleet, MA.  Currently she is represented by Vividian Artists in New York City.  Riley states, “My current works are explorations of mixed imagery.  I choose subject matter drawn from myth, literature and history, personal and general.  I come to the studio with ideas about the direction of a piece but by repeatedly adding to a print with different plates and print techniques, the actual and the emotional meaning within an image are expanded.  Each of the one-of-a-kind prints leads to another through the printing of ghost images, and by combining new plates with older ones.  Process leads to experimentation with color, overlap and recombination of images and shapes.  The layering’s and juxtapositions tease out new ways to think about and see an idea.”

Julia Talcott is a printmaker, illustrator and teacher, who was educated at Williams College and Cranbrook Academy of Art.  She currently maintains a studio and teaches relief printmaking techniques at arts centers in the Boston area.  Talcott states, “My work reflects my interest in the natural world.  I am fascinated by natural and manmade patterns.  I like to observe them, pull them apart, and then re-imagine them as printed pieces.  Creating them as linoleum and woodblock prints I produce a vocabulary of images and then work intuitively to collage them back together into new forms.  I alternate between abstraction and representational images, with color and black and white pallets, to weave images together that strive to express the vitality of growth and decay in a physical and spiritual world.”

Amy Waltch began her artistic career as a painter 30 years ago and has worked as a printmaker for the past twenty years, working primarily with monotypes and woodcuts.  The majority of her work is abstract and derives from organic forms such as plants and flowers; recently birds have been her inspiration. 
