PoemJazz with Robert Pinsky — Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill
POEMJAZZ with Robert Pinsky and Guests

$40 at the door

Tuesday, July 15, 2025
6pm @ Edgewood Farm

(Rain Date, Weds, July 16)

Castle Hill presentation of PoemJazzRobert Pinsky’s innovative dialogue between poetry and music. PoemJazz intertwines language and instrument, emphasizing the physical and melodic qualities of voice, as well as the way jazz improvisation can sometimes seem to speak. The result is an organic new whole of sound and sense.

Robert Pinsky served an unprecedented three terms as U.S. Poet Laureate from 1997 to 2000. During his tenure he established the Favorite Poem Project, a program that movingly explored poetry’s place in American lives. Among his books are eight award-winning collections of verse, translations of Dante and Milosz, critical works and anthologies. In 2010, Poetry published his libretto to Tod Machover’s groundbreaking opera, Death and the Powers.

Other Guests Artists TBA
